Thursday, September 20, 2012

Welcome to our blog.  This is the home of Five Elements Wellness, where we help you learn how to 
                           Relax - Restore - Renew

Our goal is to assist you in learning some proven techniques to relax through our Renewal Qigong classes and develop a daily practice to suit your needs.  Qigong is simple, yet profound.  It is ancient and yet very timely in our busy world.  Practicing the art of qigong will help you relax, it will restore  your health and well-being, and it will renew your enjoyment of life.  What could be better?

Well, perhaps the occasional session of reflexology or full body massage to complement your new-found awareness of your own power to heal your body.  We like to help you to remember  what it feels like to be well, to be relaxed, and  that YOU can create this for yourself.  

Our qigong classes are held at James Barrett Pilates on the lower level of Kinport Junction, 815 So 1st Ave, Pocatello, Idaho. The qigong that we love to teach is perfect for beginners or those who have previously practiced.  It is easy to adapt to any special needs that you require for your body's comfort.  We teach a little theory to help you understand why we do things a certain way.  It makes sense that if you understand it, your learning will be more complete.  Instead of learning rigid forms, you will learn to feel it and love it.  

We offer weekly classes at a very affordable tuition, and the first class is always free so that you can experience qigong and decide if it is for you.  We also offer workshops and retreats as well as nutritional coaching in plant-based eating, cooking and shopping.

Reflexology and massage is also available at this location.  We can come to your home for private sessions if you prefer and also for private qigong instruction and nutritional coaching.

Please call for the answers to any questions you may have and to learn the times and days of our current offerings.

Sherril Twitchell, LMT
Healing Qigong Teacher